Thursday, May 9, 2013

Finding Ad

We recently received a Chinese newspaper dated July 2012 containing Sophia's finding ad.  She is labeled as child #565. 
In China, before an orphanage places a child for adoption, they must run a finding ad in a local newspaper noting the child's date of birth, place of abandonment, and any other known circumstances.  Maybe a way to notify the birth parents of the child's impending adoption?  Sadly though, it is just a formality because very few finding ads result in family members stepping forward. 

How difficult it was to see our daughter's beautiful face in a sea of other precious faces.  Her numeric label means she is the 565th child to be listed that year in this paper.  And, this was just a small, eight page, local newspaper.  Wow....that is astonishing and heart breaking.  

 But, it won't be long before #565 has a home, a name, and a forever family!  So looking forward to that day!

1 comment:

  1. In the sea of precious faces, one stands out, chosen by the Lord, to be a part of our family. What a gift for us all. Sophia Chen Williams now belongs to a family that will love and cherish her. Can't wait to have her experience the hugs, kisses and loving embraces she has missed. And oh, the good times with a Big Brother, yet to be had. Love, MA
