Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy Birthday Sophia!

Happy Birthday to the sweetest little girl I know!  Sophia, you have captured our hearts, and we can't imagine life without you!  You are adored by so many, and you bring such joy to our lives.  We are incredibly blessed to have you in our forever family!  We love you!

 She wasn't quite sure what to do with the candle, but big brother was happy to help her blow it out.  The fork, though, she understood!  Cheesecake....yummy!

One of her favorite birthday presents was the kiddie pool.  We've spent every afternoon since lounging by the pool.  Well.....ok, it's not quite big enough for me but I'm close by relaxing in a rocking chair. she is sacked out the day after her birthday!  Too much celebrating for this party animal!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Say cheese

Our first attempt at a professional photo shoot with two kids was a complete disaster!  How does anyone get good pictures when you have more than one child????  I would love to know your secret.

I suppose I'm a glutton for punishment because I decided to try again at home.  Still no luck.
At least one of them is smiling

Even a kiss from big brother didn't help

No...that won't work

Ok, I give up!
This picture I captured last night after bath time.  Both kiddos are laughing and having a good 'ol time!  If only I had thought to bring an empty laundry basket with me to the photography studio!  Maybe next time...


Friday, August 9, 2013

One month home!

One month ago.....finally home!
One month home!  Where does the time go?  We feel extremely blessed that Sophia is adjusting so quickly. She is attaching to both Adam and me, and she adores her big brother Levi.  Who knew siblings could be so much fun?  In the morning and at nap time, Levi begs to wake up Sophia.  My answer is always the same.... "DO NOT wake up your sister...or else!"  Never wake a sleepy baby.  Those are words to live by.

Here's a few things we've learned about Sophia since Gotcha Day:

1.  She loves to eat anything and everything and all the time!

2.  Despite her cleft hands, she has remarkable dexterity.  In fact, a recent developmental test suggests her fine motor skills were equivalent to a 33 month old.

3.   She is leery of strangers.  Who wouldn't be in her situation?

4.  Still no words, but she is quite vocal and has a way of making her point.

5.  She is a FANTASTIC sleeper!  (We are hoping this rubs off on her brother.)

6.  She loves to give slobbery, drool covered kisses, and I gladly accept them!

Sophia is a happy, loving child who is a blessing to our family all around.  Man, what an awesome God we serve!  The Lord knew exactly what He was doing, and I praise Him for His perfect timing and faithfulness.